Winter Sports Parent Meeting

Winter Sports Parent Meeting
10/11/2022, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

We will have our Winter Sports Meetings on Tuesday, October 11th at 6:00pm. If you have a student interested in playing basketball or wrestling please plan to attend. You will receive information from the coach about expectations, practice and game schedules, team gear and spirit wear. Coaches will also seek information from parents to help with organizing team dinners and other activities such as senior night and the team banquets. They will also be asking for volunteers to help with running the scoreboard and keeping the scorebook. Teams will meet in the following locations:

Boys Basketball - Cafeteria

Girls Basketball - BCAC Room 137

Wrestling - BCAC Room 138

The swimming meeting will take place at another date/time, as we are in the process of hiring a new coach.

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